Submit your own post
You don't need to own or manage a website to publish a Blog, submit an item of News, pen an Article or promote your Event.
If it's relevant to Otaki, select a Page Type (right column) and login to submit into the form. You'll need copy and at least one image. Terms apply and this website reserves the right to accept or reject posts.
Click to select an appropriate post (Page Type)
Flightdec Uni-module
Select your Page Type according to the purpose and aims of the particular post. Below are short descriptions to help you select the correct one.
BLOGS: A blog post is generally written in an informal or conversational style, e.g. "it's about a week since I last blogged". They typically express personal opinions, activities, and experiences, and it's best if fresh posts are published often. An overarching characteristic is that posts seek responses (comments) and they are often highly topical (for the moment).
ARTICLES: An article post is generally more formally written than a blog post (think magazine article), is more timeless in its shelf-life and is hardly ever very short (say more than 700 words).
NEWS: A news post allows an organisation to comment on an item of recent news, or report on an item in the news media, or from another organisation. It may be a long item, or a short item with links to a news source.